OK! I played. It is cute. I don't know how to restart when I lose, though, haha.
As for your deployment, it is probably okay for nerds. I suspect that a lot of people are downloading itch games, rather than using their steam-like launcher (I make this point because I
believe that I read once that their launcher bundles a JRE). I think generally you will want to bundle your own JRE. Demanding that people install one from oracle can be kind of a lot, and you also don't indicate what JRE version you need. The version is important because Java is no longer backwards-compatible: they broke a lot of important hacks after Java 8, which might be used in the libraries you depend on, if not your own code.
For example, I wasn't able to run config.jar with my JRE. I don't know if it needs a version >8, or if I'm even supposed to run it. It wasn't clear from the stack trace:
C:\Users\hubol\Games\BirdOrb>"C:\Program Files\Oddwarg JRE 1.8\jre\bin\java.exe" -jar config.jar
Initial resource loading...
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps$ofRef$.newBuilder$extension(ArrayOps.scala:190)
at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps$ofRef.newBuilder(ArrayOps.scala:186)
at scala.collection.TraversableLike$class.filterImpl(TraversableLike.scala:246)
at scala.collection.TraversableLike$class.filter(TraversableLike.scala:259)
at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps$ofRef.filter(ArrayOps.scala:186)
at z.sys.GFileMemory$.scan(FileMemory.scala:22)
at a.KeyConfig$.main(KeyConfig.scala:24)
at a.KeyConfig.main(KeyConfig.scala)
The unfortunate side effect is that your download size increases substantially, but that is a legacy concern at this point. I think most engines that people create games with nowadays bundle a runtime of some sort. In the past, I have created Windows executables for Java games that bundle a JRE with this tool:
http://launch4j.sourceforge.net/ It is an OK experience.