I'm curious to know which games are yours and which are Oddwarg's.
REBIRTH("Borgus Reanimated", new ReanimateSpawner()), -> hubol
HUG("Bogus Understands Consent", new HugSpawner()), -> hubol
BORING("Boring", new BoringSpawner()), -> owg
FUN("Fun", new FunSpawner(), BORING), -> owg
BREAKOUT("Borgus' Breakout", new BreakoutSpawner()), -> hubol
PEACH("The Teachings of Peachings", new PeachSpawner()), -> hubol
POGO("Superb Pogus", new PogoSpawner()), -> hubol
SHEPHERD("The Good Shepherd", new ShepherdSpawner()), -> hubol w/ technical oversight by owg
ADS("Bogus at the Ad Agency", new AdsSpawner()), -> hubol
PACMAN("\"PAC MAN\"", new PacmanSpawner()), -> owg
PACMAN_HD("\"PAC MAN 2\"", new PacmanHDSpawner(), PACMAN), -> owg
TEXTBOGUS(TextBogus.TITLE, new BogusTextAdventureSpawner()), -> owg
TRACK("Track", new TrackSpawner()), (world map) -> hubol w/ some systems programming by owg
EXCAVATE("Bogus Home Rennovation", new ExcavateSpawner()), -> owg w/ map design by hubol
LEGS("Gogglegs", new LegsSpawner()), -> hubol
ICELEGS("Icelegs", new IceLegsSpawner(), LEGS), -> hubol
CLICK("Click the Bogus HD", new ClickSpawner()), -> hubol
DRUM("Drumageddon", new DrumSpawner()), -> hubol
BRIDGE("Borgus Bridge Builder", new BridgeSpawner()), -> owg w/ bad gfx by hubol
BRIDGE_DESTROY("BOGUS BRIDGE UNBUILDER", new BridgeDestroySpawner(), BRIDGE), -> owg w/ bad gfx by hubol
MAIL("Unboxing with Bogus", new MailSpawner()), -> hubol w/ grameplay by owg
DICKS("Bogus' Old-time Whittling Projects", new DicksSpawner()), -> owg w/ some scenes by hubol
GUSBO("Gusbo", new GusboSpawner()), -> owg
TETRIS("Fasong", new TetrisSpawner()), -> owg
ISLAND("Super Bogus Island", new IslandSpawner()), -> hubol
CASINO("Casino...", new CasinoSpawner()), -> hubol w/ technical shit by owg
PAYMENT("Payment", new PaymentSpawner()), -> hubol
PAYMENT_HARD("Payment: Hardenated", new PaymentHardSpawner(), PAYMENT), -> hubol
KARAOKE_BOTH("The Big Band", new KaraokeBothSpawner()), -> hubol
LOAN("Ice Cream Loans", new LoanSpawner()), -> hubol w/ some systems by owg
TULIPS("Bobuck Retirement Simulator", new TulipsSpawner()), -> hubol w/ some systems by owg
PET("My Virtual Pet", new PetSpawner()), -> hubol
JOUST("Bogus Jousting", new JoustSpawner()), -> owg
CAFE("Cafe", new CafeSpawner()), -> hubol
GRAVEYARD("Graveyard", new GraveyardSpawner()), -> hubol
DMV("DMV", new DMVSpawner()), -> hubol
DISCO("The Worm Disco", new DiscoSpawner()), -> hubol
JAIL("Jail", new JailSpawner()), -> hubol
ASMR("ASMR!", new AsmrSpawner()), -> hubol
SLEUTH("Borgus, Worm Matchmaker", new SleuthSpawner()), -> hubol
SLEUTH_HARD("Return of the Matchmaker", new SleuthHardSpawner(), SLEUTH), -> hubol
GALLERY("The Peanut Gallery", new GallerySpawner()), -> hubol w/ systems by owg
MULTIBOSS("Hell Tower", new MultibossSpawner()), -> hubol
CREDITS("Credits", ()->new Credits()); -> hubol